Real Estate

8 August 2024

Advising Frugal Clients, Passing Wealth to Children & Gifts of Real Estate

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21 June 2024

Panel Discussion: How Nonprofits Can Benefit from Accepting Real Estate Donations

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4 April 2024

Numbers Talk, Benefits of Legacy Funds & Philanthropy in the Spotlight

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1 April 2024

Donating Real Estate Directly to Charity: A Win-Win for Donors and Nonprofits

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11 March 2024

Tax Return Reviews & A Primer on Types of Charitable Funds

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6 February 2024

Gearing Up for Tax Time, Charitable Gift Annuities & a Love for Local

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25 March 2021

Mike House’s Real Estate is the Gift that Keeps on Giving

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28 October 2016

Using Charitable Trusts In Your Retirement Planning

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