Hello Oceanside Charitable Foundation (OCF) members. I hope your summer is off to a fantastic start!
Pictured above: Board Chair Vince Alessi and wife Ana Paola Alessi
I want to thank everyone who was able to attend our recent Grants Celebration on May 7. It was truly a joyous occasion as we came together to mark our 11th year of giving by granting $65,000 to three nonprofit organizations investing in youth development in the community.
I also would like to give a special thank you to our incredibly gracious host, the California Surf Museum. This was certainly an impactful grant cycle and you can expect the upcoming cycle year to be no different.
Our 12th annual grant cycle is just beginning, and you will soon receive by email the annual focus survey. Please take the time to fill this out and let us know which issues matter most to you. As always, it is you, our members, who determine the focus area of each year’s funding.
This is also a great time to specify if you are interested in getting more involved by joining a committee. For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of being a member is getting to know firsthand the impact our grant dollars make. It is our purpose, after all!
Please take a moment to read our member spotlight on Jason and Brenda Glauch and the inspirational impact story from our 2017-2018 grantee, Just in Time for Foster Youth, who received a $10,000 grant from OCF in support of its Basic Needs program in Oceanside.
I am humbled and honored to serve you all. Cheers to another year of transformational impact. Please let me know of anything I or your board can do to serve you and Oceanside better. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Member Spotlight
Jason and Brenda Glauch have been residents of Oceanside for nearly a decade. Jason is a Senior Solutions Architect at the technology company Sidepath, a partner at the financial firm Wiley Financial and President of The Support for Brain Cancer Foundation. Brenda is the Vice President of The Support for Brain Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit foundation that the couple founded in 2018 to support pediatric neuro-oncology patient families and research at Rady Children’s in San Diego. Their 18-year-old daughter, Callah, also volunteers for their foundation as the Director of Social Media.
Pictured above: Brenda, Jason and Callah Glauch
The family decided to join OCF as they were looking for more ways to support the community. When asked about joining, the couple shared, “After attending a function held by the Oceanside Charitable Foundation we decided to join as members. We look for organizations that stay true to being a nonprofit, utilizing volunteer work to keep costs low in order to give back the most. We are pleased to see the moral and honest way that the Oceanside Charitable Foundation operates and are happy to join the cause.”
Welcome, Jason and Brenda!
Grantee Spotlight
Through the My First Home program, Just in Time for Foster Youth provides basic needs and emergency financial support to assist former foster youth ages 18-26 during critical life emergencies. The program also helps individuals to establish safe, stable housing through distributions of furniture and other household items.
Thanks to the grant from OCF, 16 transition age foster youth in Oceanside and the surrounding areas benefited from JIT’s Basic Needs and My First Home services. Not only did this assistance meet emergency needs that helped youth maintain a stable lifestyle, it also opened the door for these participants to benefit from additional services that have helped them advance to the next level of self-sufficiency and wellbeing.
The OCF support also helped Just in Time for Foster Youth gain the attention and support of other funders to maximize the impact of local giving. This past year, the combined efforts of OCF and other philanthropic groups within San Diego County enabled 208 youth to benefit from $80,000 in Basic Needs assistance and 129 youth to benefit from $45,000 of My First Home services.
Thank you for your generous support!