To our CVCF members and friends,

Spring is [finally] in the air! At Chula Vista Community Foundation (CVCF), that signals the exciting culmination of our annual grants cycle. As I mentioned in our January quarterly newsletter, CVCF board member and grants chair, Shauna Stokes, provides leadership to this important committee. Once they completed their work, you, our members, voted to tell our board where you felt the needs in our community were the greatest. I hope you will join us on May 18th for the exciting announcement of this year’s grantees. Learn about the impact your dollars will make directly in our community. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP for the celebration HERE. Bring friends to share in this wonderful event to celebrate our grants to the community. 

Lisa Johnson, Board Chair, CVCF

Grantee Spotlight: Southwestern College Foundation

Southwestern College Foundation

In April 2022, CVCF awarded a $25,000 grant to Southwestern College for their SWC Cares Emergency Grants. Executive Director, Sofia Salgado Robitaille, was able to report the following successes:

The grant from the Chula Vista Community Foundation supported 59 students in the fall 2022 semester with a SWC Cares Emergency Grant, plus an estimated 75 received food or assistance to help them stay in school. The grants ranged from $250-$500 and assisted students with rent, food, utilities, textbooks and supplies, medical expenses and much more. Other assistance provided this fall 2022 semester included:

  • 128 Emergency Grants
  • 23 students placed in hotels
  • 2,400+ food bags
  • 1,900+ gift cards provided for groceries, gas, and hygiene
  • 193 bus passes
  • Financial Wellness Workshops Series

We are still tracking the impact of our SWC Cares assistance, but for the 2021-22 academic year 97% of surveyed students said the grants supported them in continuing their education and 91% stated the community partner referrals were beneficial.

Here are some testimonials from our student emergency grant recipients:

“I am very grateful to be awarded an SWC Cares Emergency Grant. This grant will allow me to get the brakes changed in my car, alleviating my stress and worries regarding how I would transport my father to his dialysis treatments and doctor appointments. This grant has lifted off a burden and now I can concentrate on my classes. I am working towards receiving my certificate of achievement in Virtual Business Professional. I am very appreciative of SWC Cares for all the help they have provided to me during the course of my education at Southwestern College.”

“I just wanted to say thank you for your SWC Cares Emergency Grant award. This award provides hope and encouragement to persevere in the face of adversity and keep me striving to reach my educational goal at Southwestern College.”