Diane Johnson was no stranger to challenges.

Coming from a poor background, she had to fight to make a better life for herself. In fact, as her longtime friend Marilyn Cathcart described, ā€œDiane literally came from the wrong side of the tracks.ā€ But that never stopped her from pushing past obstacles and challenges throughout life.

Today, her legacy fund at San Diego Foundation is helping hundreds of individuals like her who work hard but donā€™t always have the same opportunities.

Striving for Success and Community

At every stage of her life, Diane persevered. No greater example can be found than the success she achieved in her professional life.

While her peers were already well into their careers, Diane was still searching for her calling.

As an adult, she took night classes to complete her law degree. Later, those extra hours and hard work paid off when she became the first in-house, general counsel for St. Jude Medical at a time when women in executive leadership were uncommon.

Yet even as she found greater success in her profession, she didnā€™t let that change who she was or forget her humble beginnings.

ā€œDiane never lived extravagantly and was the type of person who, no matter how much wealth she had, never let it get it the way of appreciating people for who they really were,ā€ explained Mary Sutton, one of Dianeā€™s former colleagues and close friends.

Everywhere she went, she formed lasting bonds with the people she met, and was remembered for her unmatched ability to nurture friendships. She was both an interesting person and a person interested in others.

And whatā€™s most admirable is that Dianeā€™s work never stopped.

Not surprisingly, after retiring at age 53, Diane channeled her work ethic into her volunteer work. Not one content to write a check, she also spent countless hours supporting her favorite causes: animals, sick children, and those in need of help when most vulnerable.

Her vision for her retirement life was to apply the structure, discipline and talents she had from her professional career to her community volunteer life.

Dianeā€™s interests were broad and her love for the community was deep.

One thing that rang true through all her efforts was her commitment to vulnerable and underserved populations. She volunteered to help people in need through hospice, trauma calls, Meals on Wheels, visits to nursing homes with support animals and was a wish granter with Make-A-Wish Foundation, to name a few of her interests. Coastal German Shepherd Rescue benefited from her tireless support, as did Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She even traveled to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to help with animal rescue.

ā€œThat was just the person she was,ā€ shared Marilyn. ā€œDiane had a strong passion for social justice and a civil society. Her volunteer work and her charitable giving always focused on helping people or animals who needed it the most.ā€

Leaving Her Legacy

When she knew she would soon be passing away, Diane didnā€™t want to give all her money away at once.

ā€œShe wanted her charitable giving to last longer and have a greater impact,ā€ shared Mary. ā€œMost of all, she wanted her philanthropic legacy to mirror the way she lived her life ā€“ supporting her community.ā€

Over the last seven years, Dianeā€™s fund has made a huge impact through substantial grants to numerous causes and programs ā€“ including community scholarships, early childhood resilience, Black Community Investment Fund initiatives, the COVID-19 Community Response Fund and much, much more.

ā€œWe know it is a huge responsibility to honor Dianeā€™s legacy and are so thankful for our partnership with SDF,ā€ said Mary in an acceptance speech written for the SDF virtual event.

ā€œIt has helped Marilyn and me continue to do what Diane was not given the time on this Earth to complete.ā€

Gifts like Diane’s prove that giving back can last a lifetime and beyond. A legacy fund of any size can provide lasting benefits for you, your family and the causes and charities you care about most.

If you are considering ways to make an impact through a legacy fund, submit the form below to download our Guide to Building Your Charitable Legacy or contact our Donor Services team today.

Download the Charitable Legacy Guide

This valuable resource will help you understand how to set up a legacy fund and the lasting impact planned gifts can have for you, your family and your community.

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