For 44 years, The San Diego Foundation has been helping hundreds of wealth advisors and donors achieve their charitable goals by opening endowment funds, donating complex assets and creating legacy gifts that leave a lasting impact in the community forever.

Now, the opportunity to make a difference in San Diego just got even stronger.

AMPlify (Asset Management Partnership)

To continue providing our partners and donors with best-in-class service, we recently launched AMPlify (Asset Management Partnership), an expanded giving option for wealth advisors and philanthropists alike.

AMPlify enables wealth advisors and their clients to setup charitable accounts at The San Diego Foundation that are managed personally by the respective donors’ trusted advisors. Wealth advisors maintain discretion over assets while opening up their clients’ portfolios to other charitable giving and social investment opportunities, like impact investing.

This customized investment strategy gives peace of mind to donors who have trusted, long-standing relationships with their wealth advisors, while allowing donors to work directly with The San Diego Foundation to accomplish their charitable goals.

The Foundation’s staff handles the reporting and administrative needs of the fund, while wealth advisors continue to manage the assets and donors are afforded an even larger team of experts.

Wealth Advisor Benefits

Donor Benefits

Maintain client revenue and management of their assets First class support from The Foundation’s team of charitable giving experts
Opportunities to convert non-managed assets, such as real estate, into charitable assets under management Access to local nonprofit experts to maximize your understanding and the impact of your giving
Strengthen client relationships by offering a value-added service New opportunities to give back to the community and leave a legacy for future generations
Invitations to special events with local leaders and donors Invitations to special events to meet like-minded donors and leaders

Get Started

To learn more about AMPlify and explore this new investment opportunity, contact our Giving Team today.